Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Michael!

Michael turned 3 yesterday!  When you ask him how old
he is, he responds "I hold my fingers like this and I'm 3."
He was so proud of himself when he was able to
hold down his pinky with his thumb to show 3.
We had lunch at Romanelli's and
pizza & cake for dinner to celebrate!
Michael's gift from us.

Growing up right before our eyes!
Since we have had several celebrations over the past month
with lots of cake, we decided to make a rice krispies treat
birthday cake.  Michael requested a rocket ship, like Mickey's,
and was a big help making it!

the favorite gift from Mom-mom & Pop-pop....Pat the Rat

Stay tuned for more pictures next week after
his birthday party with friends & family

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