Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mommy & Brendan

Please Touch Museum

On Monday, we spent almost an entire day at the museum.
Michael enjoyed it so much that he cried when it was
time to leave.  
Enjoy looking at all of the fun things he did including...
driving the Septa bus
watch out...

filling up the tank
Brendan will be able to experience more on our
next visit once he is walking

Michael could have spent hours playing in the water!

He ran to this truck then was quick to work 
at the construction site

By far, one of his favorite spots...Shoprite

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sher Christmas Gathering

Michael & cousins
Mamie & Pop-pop & all the grandchildren

Christmas 2011

Christmas morning

blurry, but still shows how much he loves the tissue paper

Michael's 'race car' - always his #1 item on 
Christmas list 

new snowsuits & sled

We're in trouble when they get older!

Christmas Eve

now that Brendan is mobile, pictures are harder to capture
Cookies & Milk for Santa....Carrots for reindeer
'writing' a note for Santa