Thursday, May 27, 2010

DC Trip

Michael & Daddy in front of the Capitol
Hold on tight....Daddy is driving!!
Michael loved pointing to all of the airplanes at
the Air & Space Museum!

Checking out the inside of a plane

A teaching moment...

Michael's first carousel ride which he did not really enjoy!

Michael & his favorite animal at the Natural History Musuem
Caught Michael in mid-blink - looks like he had a few drinks at dinner!
So handsome:)
Michael refused to put the spoon down to hold the cup, but
he managed to successfully drink from it using one hand! 
He was soo happy at breakfast at 6:30 AM!
All ready to meet Mommy's friends, Annie & Jenn, for brunch -- well, lunch for us!
It was great to see both of you:)

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