Thursday, May 27, 2010

15 month stats

Weight: 24 lbs 10 oz     Percentile: 52%
Height: 32 inches          Percentile: 77%
Michael is doing so many new things each day - some that seem to amaze us!
He loves the beach & being outdoors. We are trying to get a video of him talking -- his newest words are waffle & cracker!  You would never know that he is cutting all 4 of his 2 year molars and his eye teeth!

DC Trip

Michael & Daddy in front of the Capitol
Hold on tight....Daddy is driving!!
Michael loved pointing to all of the airplanes at
the Air & Space Museum!

Checking out the inside of a plane

A teaching moment...

Michael's first carousel ride which he did not really enjoy!

Michael & his favorite animal at the Natural History Musuem
Caught Michael in mid-blink - looks like he had a few drinks at dinner!
So handsome:)
Michael refused to put the spoon down to hold the cup, but
he managed to successfully drink from it using one hand! 
He was soo happy at breakfast at 6:30 AM!
All ready to meet Mommy's friends, Annie & Jenn, for brunch -- well, lunch for us!
It was great to see both of you:)

Our Visit to Annapolis

We took a trip to visit Michael's new cousin, Ellie, and
her big brother, Ryan.
Michael did so well with the baby!

Kisses for Ellie
Bathtime with Ryan
So cute!
Boys at work
All smiles

We visited a Park & Petting Zoo

Michael looking at the cows

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Bike Ride

I got a new bike with a seat for Michael for Mother's Day!

He LOVED it!
He asked for 'more' when we stopped!
So happy!
You would never know he is cutting all FOUR molars at the same time!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Point-to-Point

On our way to the P2P on a very hot & humid day...
Michael riding Ender
The girls
the crowd
Michael rode a pony for the first time

His very own stick horse which he carried around this exact way 
the entire day & continues to do the same at home!

Hot & sweaty boy
Chillin with Pop-pop with horse in hand