Sunday, April 1, 2012

Passsed Out!

Michael didn't make it into bed tonight-passed out on the floor
and snoring at 6:00!  That's what happens with no nap
and an afternoon party! 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt at Storytime

Playdate with the Kray Boys

So cute together...

Michael escaping the picture
Thanks for having us over-always great to see you guys
and to catch up:)

Jill's Baby Shower

the Mama-to-bee

Silly Brendan



Michael eating something GREEN

Considering he doesn't eat any veggies except corn, we had 
to document his first time eating a Spinach Salad

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Zoo in March

We took advantage of the warm weather and 
headed to the Cape May Zoo followed by a picnic
lunch and fun at the playground!