Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An eventful weekend

A visit with the Kray's on Friday

Playtime at Mom-mom & Pop-pop's

Wedding on Saturday

Firehouse party on Sunday
Lots of new babies & still missing some
Michael & Avery

3 months...very late post

Brendan began blowing raspberries and following Mommy,
Daddy, & Michael around the room with his eyes.  
He shakes the rattle & enjoys sitting in the bumbo seat.
His weight at a Cardiology appointment on May 19th was
11 lbs 9 oz.  Since then he has definitely gained weight!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rolling over

Not sure if it's a fluke, but Brendan rolled over 4 times last

Beach Days

Passed out from a day on the beach!

Playtime with my big bro

OC Boardwalk

Michael & I joined our friends Kris & Ben along with their 
friends, Christa & Kate, for some fun on the boards.
We enjoyed some play on the beach, pizza from Mack 'n Manco's,
 and ice cream!

Thanks for the invite:)

Visit to AC Aquarium

Last week, Michael & Mommy took Brendan to the aquarium.
Michael told him all about the fish, especially Nemo!

Brendan actually gazed at the fish in the big tank