Tuesday, August 24, 2010

18 months old

We can hardly believe it's been 18 months!  Each day Michael learns a new word and does/says something that makes us laugh:)  He amazes us with what he knows and understands. Yesterday, he climbed out of the crib for the first time! Hopefully, it was just a fluke...we'll see!

Still a favorite...
Kisses for Hightop
The only picture showing the writing!
Where's your belly?
Michael attempting to put his shirt on!
Check back at the end of the week for Michael's stats-
Dr. appt. on Friday!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Indoor picnic

Thanks Mom-mom & Pop-pop for my picnic table!
Since it was raining, I had an indoor picnic and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Such a big boy!

Playing peek-a-boo...

Big blues!
Anticipating Aunt Kathleen coming to get him!

First trip to the OC Boardwalk

I found the OC pictures that I thought were deleted!
We took Michael to the OC boardwalk for some Mack 'n Manco's & rides.
Michael did well on Dumbo, his first ride!
Michael, Morgan, & Kathleen on the balloons!
He screamed on this ride and needless to say was the last ride of the night.
He enjoyed playing Skee ball instead.

OC 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random pictures

Mommy & Daddy heading out to dinner!
Michael gets so excited to 'drive' the car...
he says "bice" for drive! 
(can't seem to figure out 'bice')

Take One
Take Two
Take Three
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Fun times with my Aunts!

Michael loves to be swung in the blanket so much that he finds this exact blanket, 
brings it to Aunt Morgan & Makenzie and says 'swing me'!

Thumbs up!
Aunt Morgan & Aunt Makenzie made me my first fort!

The hair do after coming out from the fort!
Thanks Aunt Morgan & Aunt Makenzie for the fun time:)

Sesame Place

Looking so hot!


Trying the rides for a second time & still not liking them!
He ended up getting off.

Makenzie & Caitie

The whole gang
Giving hugs
Ellie...so cute!
First sight of the characters...
Michael liked looking at the characters from a distance...
not up-close as you can tell!

Elmo's World!

Michael's face for the entire show!